The gods drew astral essence and mixed it with the tiniest bits of creation-stuff to create mortals to populate the World and worship them.
Corellon discovered the Feywild. The most widely accepted story claims that arose from the tears Corellon wept from sorrow, beauty, and mirth during the days before Lolth?s fall, when he lived in perfect harmony with her and her sister Sehanine. From sorrow?s tears rose the dark elves, from beauty?s the eladrin (high elves), and from mirth the wood elves. The first elves lived in perfect harmony, honouring their maker and the Seldarine (the ?fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood?, the fey gods) as was their due.
Moradin chiseled dwarves from the bones of the earth using his Soulforge. His Firstborn had bones cut from bedrock, souls wrought from iron, and hearts carved of gleaming diamonds. The Firstborn tunneled into the sides of Stoneroot, and Moradin himself built a temple at the frozen summit where he could dwell among his followers from time to time. Shortly after creating them, legends state that Moradin created a divine beverage, not realizing 15 his creation was watching carefully, and immediately developed ale.
A now-forgotten god of peace, kingship, wisdom, and the sky, known to modern sages as ?He Who Was? or ?He Who Once Lit Our Way?, created humanity. Many stories surround the creation of humans, but the truth of it remains unknown
As humanity was created in the mortal World, pixies appeared in the Feywild as their reflections.
When the gods created the races of the world, each race heard the Supernal language in a different way, based on fundamental characteristics of their nature. From those distinct ways of hearing, the foundational languages of the world arose.
Ancient dragons mastered the power of arcane magic before other mortal races, becoming the first sorcerers. They used their arcane might to shape the world around them, dominating many regions. The dragons then taught the mightiest of mortals how to transcend their physical forms and become as mighty as a dragon.
A vast forest stretched from the Cairngorm Peaks to the region one day would emerge the Dawnforge Mountains. In this primeval era, the Winterbole and Harken forests were one, and all its inhabitants bowed before the forest?s venerable sovereigns, the treants. Nentir Forest had little to fear from dragonkind, because Malorunth the Eternal Ash, a powerful archfey, extended its protection across the entire forest.
The gods experimented in other planet created by the primordials, attempting to create a thinking, living planet. They managed to ignite a spark of life within the planet, who called itself Allabar. But the gods feared the power that their creation possessed. They threw Allabar into the Far Realm. There, Allabar was warped in body and mind.
In the Feywild, the different factions of the archfey merged their royal courts into one great congress, the Court of Stars, acknowledging the leadership of Tiandra, the Summer Queen.